Brooklynn, My Little Sidekick

Brooklynn, My Little Sidekick
She keeps me sane and, at the same time, drives me insane...I am sure God stays amused by this irony.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Three Most Important Lessons in Life

I felt it was important to share some of my recent history before sharing current tidbits of my crazy life so others can attempt to understand my attitude in how I view my life today. I look back and wonder sometimes how I survived the last 6-7 years with my sanity intact. I understand now that one cannot only survive heartbreak and misery, but actually learn from it as well. I did not share these very personal details to induce empathy from others, however, there are far more people who have came through much more than I and survived. I do want you to realize that trials and tribulations are a large part of life. Life is what it is, but will be what you make it. Losing my mother in such a horrible manner could have destroyed me. The birth of my miracle was unplanned, and it pushed me over the edge financially. Losing my business that I tenderly grew and loved crushed my spirit. These crazy, unforeseen events changed my life forever. Yet…I not only survived, but learned valuable lessons from each one. Through the death of my mother, I learned not to take life for granted. Say and do what you feel compelled to do today because you may not get another chance! Remember my flowers I never got to send? Love the people around you today, they may not be here tomorrow and you do not want regret knocking on your door. Through the birth of my daughter, I learned what is really important in life and the true meaning of love. She continues to teach me still today with little lessons along the way. Her birth directly resulted in my transformation from a selfish person to who I am today. Take time to look at the bigger picture, it is not just all about you. The loss of my business taught me that my success in life is not measured in how many times I fall, but how many times I get back up and keep going to try again. With this thought in mind, we are invincible. Through trials and tribulations, I feel fortunate that I have learned what I consider the three most valuable lessons in life. Some people never learn these, and they are the ones who deserve the empathy.

1 comment:

  1. I just have ta tell ya that reading your story has been very moving. Thanks for sharing!
