Brooklynn, My Little Sidekick

Brooklynn, My Little Sidekick
She keeps me sane and, at the same time, drives me insane...I am sure God stays amused by this irony.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lemons Into Lemonade

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Maybe we do not see this reasoning in the heat of the moment, but eventually I believe it comes to pass. Sometimes we can look at our most difficult times from the past and connect some type of positive outcome to the event. My life is a true example of this philosophy. Therefore, I really try to remain calm when things go awry and begin looking for the positives from the negatives. I sell Avon and have been really trying to grow my business to help cover tuition costs. When placing my last order, late at night, I ordered 30 brochures for my customers. Imagine my surprise when my order came and I realized I had somehow mistakenly ordered 300! At first I was upset over my error, but then I realized this was a great opportunity to turn lemons into lemonade. So…my plan is to hit the town and give out every single one of those brochures, which would surely grow my business. Hmm…maybe this is the universe attempting to give me what I want. I have watched the Secret, and it specifically mentions that not only must you put out in the universe what you want, but also act on the opportunities it presents. So my reasoning that I received those 300 brochures is directly related to the power of attraction and not due to any fault of my own. That’s my story, and I am sticking to it!

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