Brooklynn, My Little Sidekick

Brooklynn, My Little Sidekick
She keeps me sane and, at the same time, drives me insane...I am sure God stays amused by this irony.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Thank You Santa For Sharing Your Magic

The sweet face I get after humming!
Although I believe children are a direct sign that God has not yet given-up on mankind, I also feel they were sent by God to drive us insane and teach us some important lessons. I do believe he must chuckle at us as parents quiet often . Sometimes, my little 5 year old blessing can run her chops like she pays the bills! That is why I absolutely love this time of year! For three months, I know I will not have to tolerate any misbehaving or disrespect dealt-out by my child. Oh, what a relief! It is like being on vacation! What is my secret? Well, every time I begin to see her behavior diminish and feel a meltdown is on the way, I just begin humming Santa Claus is Coming to Town. It works every time! It is truly magical to watch. If she is giving me a hard time about going to bed or getting dressed for school, I just calmly begin busying myself, in ear-shot, and start humming. I do not have to hum much before she runs into the room and says sweetly, “I’m ready for bed now mommy.” The pouts and anger gone without a trace. There is no threats, no restrictions, and my blood pressure does not shoot-up because of the stress incurred from a mental battle with a stubborn five year old. Those of you with children know exactly what I am referring to when I say “mental battle”, and it can be exhausting! So, I know Christmas is for kids, and it is widely believed that kids are the ones who believe in Santa, but I am stating as an adult that “yes” I believe in Santa too! Furthermore, I think he gives me the greatest gift any parent could ever want. Thank you Santa for sharing your Santa magic!

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha! Luv it! Will have 2 try that with my little one. Wat a face!
